Artisanal Requena Cajon

From: 28.00

1 to 2 days = €28.00
3 to 7 days = €32.00
8 to 30 days = €36.00
31 to 60 days = €55.00
61 to 90 days = €83.00
90 to 120 days = €110.00

Deposit: €40

The Requena artisanal line of cajons is one of the most internationally beloved, and for good reason.


The Requena artisanal line of cajons is one of the most internationally beloved, and for good reason. Each Requena cajon is constructed from sturdy European birch or beech, for durability and crispness of sound, and features a fully tunable snare function with the use of an allen key. The sharp contrast between bass and treble tones makes Requena cajons an endlessly versatile percussion option for styles varying from flamenco, to folk, to jazz. Rent this cajon or similar at our very competitive rate.

Instrument Rental Barcelona is part of the Shine School of Music network of schools. We offer a wide array of music lessons, venues for holding events, spaces to practice music and additional co-working spaces.


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