November: Free Music Events and Performances Barcelona

Free Music Events

Quartet Urània – 8th November

The Quartet Urània performs the Suite of the planets and the Suite of the Dwarf planets, created by Sergi Sirvent. Sirvent is a prolific Catalan musician and composer who, inspired by the planets, has unravelled the essence of each of them through music. The quartet, created specifically for this project, has been part of several orchestras such as the OBC.



Lanz Bass – 22 November

Laura Castanyer, Naomi Ramírez, Zaira Escamilla and Allison Baidal are Lanz Bass. An all female double bass quartet born from the Vozes de Nou Barris project. Its repertoire spans a fusion of different styles, from classic to modern and contemporary. The alternative group plays pop or grunge with a classic twist to surprise and move the audience’s emotions.



Dance party to save the world – Fridays

Dramaturgy and direction: Miguel Ángel Blanca

Performers: Jordi Vilches, María García Vera

Live music: Joan Colomo, Sara Fontán, Edi Pou

Screenings: Guillothina

Dance party to save the world is a journey through history,  pop culture and its choreographies. From Lindy Hop to Reguetón,  Saturday Night or Lambada. Since the invasion of Poland to the collapse of the Twin Towers, dancing the fall of the Berlin Wall. An experience that combines theater, audiovisual remix, a live concert and a dance contest. Stand up, burn the armchairs!

Barcelona Cultural District



Free Performances

The Little Prince – 9th November

The little prince is a poetic story, the work of the author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. A pilot is lost in the Sahara desert after his plane suffers a breakdown, but to his surprise, this is where he meets a small prince from another planet. The story has a philosophical theme, which contrasts the view of the complex and materialistic world of adults with that of the little prince.

Dionisis Theater Group.

Friday, November 9 and 16 and Saturday November 10 at 8:00 p.m.



Until stocks last – 9th November

Author and interpretation: Verónica Navas Ramirez

Verònica Navas Ramírez sets out to respond to questions about the relationships between mothers and daughters. How this relationship marks identity, and ways of being. She confronts all these questions in a spectacle that is performed under the guise of a conference.

Barcelona Cultural District


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