Are electric guitars a good start for beginners

Is learning to play the electric guitar as a beginner a good idea? The short answer to this question is probably no. Out of the guitar family, the classical guitar would be the most common instrument to begin on, as it offers the most diversity in terms of playing. However don’t let that stop you! Electric guitar is considered an easy instrument to play. So although you may be limited in terms of what kinds of music you can play, learning may be less frustrating if you begin on an electric guitar. Starting with a difficult instrument as a beginner musician can be a frustrating journey, leading to students quitting before they have made it anywhere. 

Electric guitars are considered easier to play than classical or acoustic guitars because generally they have thinner necks, making it easier to get your fingers where they need to go. If you are interested in learning the electric guitar, do a little research, take note of what kinds of music is generally played on the electric guitar. If this is the sound for you, and you simply love the electric guitar, there is nothing stopping you from learning it!

Learn Electric Guitar

Learn Electric Guitar

So you want to learn the electric guitar? Well, first things first, you’re going to need an instrument. Electric guitars come in all sorts of shapes, sizes,  and colours; they have a huge variety of bridges and tuning equipment. It can be daunting knowing where to look or what to try first! But you have to start somewhere right? If you don’t have the money to invest in an instrument, you can try hiring or renting an electric guitar. 

The main difficultly with learning a guitar is what’s known as “action”. This refers to how high or low the strings are set against the fretboard. If they are high, you need some dexterity and finger strength to press them down. High set action is better for sounds that are not so “buzzy” which is something that frequently happens with a low set action. However for beginners on electric guitar, it’s a good idea to start with a low action as this is easier to control. Once you have some experience you can switch to a higher set action. Ask your local luthier or teacher to help you find the right kind of electric guitar for beginners. 

To play an electric guitar you will need some key equipment to make it function. All electric guitars need to be plugged into amps to amplify their sound. Although you can practice without an amp, electric guitars really come into their own when plugged in. A beginner electric guitarist will need to have some sound equipment besides a guitar to play. You will need cables, perhaps a foot pedal, but also a strap for your guitar and a few picks. A tuner will also help you begin to play your electric guitar. 

At Shine music rental, we rent electric guitar packs which include all the basics that you need to learn electric guitar. They are a great place to start as you get to know the various instruments and break into the world of electric guitar. 

Taking some lessons will go a long way to helping you get started in the best way possible. Having a teacher will help you learn faster, they can show you how to play as well as teach you tips and tricks for a good foundation for your guitar playing. You can also teach yourself. There are a variety of apps that will teach you the basics and you can watch tutorials online. Be careful with these however, as you may miss key elements that a teacher could show you, and later if you ever decide to take a lesson you may end up having to go back and correct bad habits. Bad habits, like holding your guitar incorrectly, can make learning your instrument much more difficult. 

Learning an instrument is never a bad idea, your body and brain will thank you for the lessons. Music has long been touted as a powerful tool for stress relief, and you can certainly express your emotions on an electric guitar! Thrashing out tunes or picking out sounds not only builds physical strength but also creates new connections in your brain. Scientists believe this can lead to adeptness in other areas. 

The great thing about an electric guitar is that while you are learning, you can plug your guitar into headphones, making it a superb instrument for city study! If you live in a small apartment, no one but you needs to know or hear how hard you are rocking out! You are one musician that will never receive noise complaints! 

Starting on an electric guitar may not be the most flexible instrument for learning a variety of music styles, but there are still loads of options. With your electric guitar you could start a band! Create music for a movie soundtrack and because it already is made to be amplified, recording your music is simple! There are plenty of pros for playing the electric guitar whether you are a beginner or not.

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