Terms and conditions

  • We do our best to provide you with quality instruments. We cannot guarantee that the instrument listed on the product page will be the one you receive in your booking, we endeavor to offer one of a similar brand and or quality in the event that the instrument listed is unavailable. You will be notified of any changes.
  • All instruments require a deposit upon collection. This will be returned to you 7 days from when you return the instrument, provided that you return it in the same condition in which you received it.
  • A copy of your passport or identification is required upon instrument pick up. Please bring your original documents with you.
  • Should you fail to pick up the instrument or cancel your booking you will lose your first rental fee. Please notify us of any changes to your booking.
  • All our instruments are in good condition but have been used.
  • Please take note of the times available for the collection and drop off of instruments. Other times can be arranged with Shine Instrument Rental with prior notification by either telephone or email.
  • Shine Instrument Rental reserves the right to cancel any booking at any time. We will notify you if this should happen with your reservation.